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Puntuació mitjana 889 Ressenyes
Maxime Attimont ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
azaria charles ha valorat a Google

Peking Duck with Broccoli in Chef's Sweet Sauce. Very tasty.

fa 5 mesos
Muhammad Ayas ha valorat a Google

Salmon, avocado, cucumber, carrot slices, wakame, soy beans, served in vinegared Japanese Eze.

fa 5 mesos
Ade ha valorat a Google

Fried rice with egg and chives, served with a slice of grilled salmon and teriyaki sauce.

fa 5 mesos
B ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
Julietu Abdullahi ha valorat a Google

Vegetables cooked with coconut milk and toju are boiled, served with rice.

fa 5 mesos
Amusa Oluwatoyin kehinde ha valorat a Google

Vegetables boiled with coconut milk, comes with rice.

fa 5 mesos
Auta Alhamdu ha valorat a Google

Beef with spicy onions, leeks, fragrant mushrooms, served in "Italian" penne se Itasian penne, comes with a poached egg.

fa 5 mesos
Chaïkhou Sissoko ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
Mmasinachi Odera ha valorat a Google

They always prioritize fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

fa 6 mesos

Mr. Zhang© 2024
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6 Avenue Bugeaud
75116 Paris, France

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